Saturday, January 3, 2009

Michael What-son?

I got in the car yesterday only to catch the end of a discussion between Henry and Jack.

Henry: "I think he's black."
Jack: "No, he's white."
Henry: "But, he looks kind of black."
Jack: "No, he looks white."
Me: "Who are you talking about?"
Boys: "Michael Jackson."

They wanted to know if he was black or white to which I didn't have a great answer. So, I explained that he was born black, but had surgery so he looks white. To which Charlie, in all his six year old wisdom said, "Like Grandma Mouse Book (Mark's mom). She has gray hair, but she buys this stuff and puts it in a bottle and it makes her hair red."

Yeah, Charlie, kind of like that.


Mrs. Mike said...

Ha! They are so funny.

Yes, we were in Idaho for Christmas. I would so have loved to see you guys, but there is never enough time for everything I want to do! Plus, we were sick and wouldn't have wanted to infect you with our germs. Someday I need to come to Idaho for a good month or something so we can visit.

Jolyn Buhrley said...

priceless. Seriously, I can't get enough of your boys. You will be so glad you wrote this stuff down. We always THINK we will remember....Keep recording, it always makes my day.

Thinking of you.

Doug, Janis and the JERCKS said...

That's great! We had a similar discussion about MJ. We had just watched the "Thriller" video on YouTube and then I showed my kids pictures on the Internet how MJ had changed his appearance over the years. That night my 6 year old, Robert, was having trouble going to bed. He was scared about something. When I finally got it out of him, he asked, "Is MJ real?" He thought since he could change his looks so much, he could probably turn into a werewolf for real, too. A few days later we were in the car with his cousin and he was telling her that MJ had changed from a "black man" into a "white woman". How bizarre!