Friday, June 6, 2008


Henry and Charlie are done with T-Ball as of today. It was a fun season as he had two buddies on the team which made games a lot more fun, for me!! Henry takes T-Ball very seriously. He likes to get people out, but of course they don't really "get out." He tags the kids from the other team and looks at them like, "Hey dude, I got you out." Of course they don't respond because in T-Ball you don't get out. We can thank the same parents that insist on the trophies and the graduations for this. These parents are those that started the "fair" movement. Everything has to be fair. We don't want anyone to be upset or have their feelings hurt and so we don't get people out, we don't keep score, and we make everything "fair." But, when my kids get in the car and ask who won, I tell them, "The other team did." I must have said this enough times because now Henry and Charlie will say, "We got creamed today." If they say, "I got a guy out," I will point out, "But you also go out." They need to learn that life is not fair. If it were I would have a housekeeper, lawn boy, and would be sitting poolside with a pedicurist at my feet. But, I am the lawn boy, the housekeeper, and the pedicurist and I'm good with that!


Garrick, Holly & fam. said...

I'm so glad you started a blog! It is so fun to see pictures of your family. I've trried to call you a couple of times, but haven't caught you yet. I'll keep trying.

Carol said...

Hey...when I was in T-ball we definately got "out". Has it really changed that much or I am just getting old?